We care about Your mental health

NGO "Development Foundation" activities

Fateful events in the life of Ukraine once and forever has changed the lives of our citizens, especially those who participated in the events during the Revolution of 2013, hostilities, anti-terrorist operations and operations of united forces as the combat units, as well as their families, volunteers. Some of our citizens who have made heroic efforts for the liberation struggle in Ukraine, having received a number of psychological and physical injuries, are forced to continue their struggle with their own body, overcoming new difficulties already in peaceful life. The war has forever changed the world of new heroes, demanding from them the maximum mobilization of internal and external resources, even greater social activity and building a new life script. Therefore, reintegration, rehabilitation and unification of all categories of the population are the matter of survival of the Ukrainian people.

Date of foundation - October 10, 2014.

The activities of organization:

- NGO "Development Foundation" works with persons participated in hostilities and HPE, as well as mental health professionals providing psychosocial assistance to categories of armed conflict victims.

" Development Foundation" is a public organization, which consists of volunteers-psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers and other professionals in the field of psychological health who provide support and psychological assistance, as well as develop and implement training and rehabilitation programs for event's participants (from the participants of the Maidan, to internally displaced persons and participants in hostilities). NGO "Development Foundation" operates in 21 cities of Ukraine, the purpose of the work is to spread the American experience working with psychological trauma to target groups: soldiers, prisoners of war, HBO, peaceful citizens and communities, volunteers.

Establishment of the organization: to indicate the governing and controlling bodies in the organization and their composition (in particular, the board): General Meeting of the Members of the Organization, the Board of the Organization, Chairman of the Board, Auditor.

In the organization, the activities of the accountant and activists are monitored by the auditor, who is involved in the stage of payment of expenses. The right of a financial signature belongs only to the head of the board of the organization, the position of the chairman is elective. The monitoring system of the activities of specialists was introduced in 2014 - in the form for submission of cases to supervisory meetings were developed. Supervisions- meetings are held every two weeks until 2018 with the participation of American specialists on a regular basis. From 2018 till today - such work is carried out by our specialists. In 2018, the "Development Foundation" activists joined the process of improving the monitoring and mapping system for assistance / humanitarian missions in the East, chaired by the International Medical Corps (MMK) and co-chaired by the World Health Organization (WHO). Nowadays, the attempts of monitoring tools are made to introduce in Ukraine, and we are also included in this process.

Donors of the NGO Development Foundation: IOM, US Embassy in Ukraine, The UK Online Giving Foundation, Canadian-Ukrainian Foundation, United Ukraine-American Aid Committee, District Council of Rivne and Employment Center of Rivne Region.

In a short time our team managed to organize and implement the following projects:

  • Psychological training of participants in events on the Maidan at the "Headquarters of the National Resistance" in order to prevent physical and psychological trauma. 4.2.2013 - 01.2014. Contact person - Marta Pyvovarenko - (097) 649-70-63
  • On February 23, 2014, as a response to the acute need for psychological care for the wounded, who survived the Maidan, a "Center for Mental and Psychological Support of Majdan's participants was created in the format of volunteers "Advices", which are operated initially to meet the needs of participants of the above-mentioned events and work with individuals. , returning from the Maidan. To date, the participants of these "Advices" have been included in the Urban Social Services for the Family, Children and Youth, as well as NGOs. 02.2014 - 06.2014 Realization on volunteer principles. Contact person: Marta Pivovarenko - (097) 649-70-63
  • A training program for the planning and creation of rehabilitation centers for combatants and HIP in Ukraine in spring 2014 (April) was conducted in conjunction with the Canada-Ukraine Foundation.
  • In order to bring the psychological methods of work of NGOs in Ukraine engaged in psychological assistance with the support of the World Congress of Ukrainians and the United Ukrainian-American Aid Committee in Lviv and Kyiv, in the summer of 2014, the first Ukrainian training project with American trainers was organized in line with world practice. world level. The training program included topics: "Prevention and treatment of chronic PTSD among victims of violence and torture in conflict zones", "Work with victims of secondary psychological trauma", "Work with children victims of war", and "Work with patients with dual diagnosis of PTSD and alcoholism, drug addiction." 930 psychologists, psychotherapists and chaplains from the West and the Center of Ukraine took part in the program. May 2014 (within two weeks).
  • Together with the Open World Leadership Center and thanks to Ulyana Suprun and Marta Boyko, a study tour of the Maidan volunteers from among chaplains, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists was organized at the Yale School of Medicine (USA) to get knowledge how to work with combat participants. 23 trained specialists on arrival organized the main volunteer organizations of psychological assistance and rehabilitation in Ukraine, which are still in operation.
  • A free First Psychological Aid School (PFA School, https://www.facebook.com/groups/pfainukraine/?fref=ts) is organized on the basis of materials from the National Center for Study of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder www.ncptsd.va.gov and the National Center for Research Children's Post-Traumatic Stress at www.NCTSN.org (US Department of Veterans). The school was held in 21 cities in Ukraine and with the help of skype trainings conducted by teachers from the Yale School of Medicine (USA). The place (auditorium) for the school was provided by the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). 11.2014-12.2014. Realization on volunteer principles.
  • A training and educational program for journalists "School of Psychological Self-Help" was held, which aimed to form the appropriate competences for journalists to provide self-help and correct coverage of the problem of PTSD and war among consumers of media production, reducing the tension in society and reducing the possibility of the number of psychological injuries among the population and journalists. The program covered 20 journalists. 11.2014 - 12.2014 Realization on volunteer principles. Contact person - Martha Pivovarenko - (097) 649-70-63
  • A closed modular program for the training of psychotherapists and psychiatrists for dealing with victims of torture has been conducted together with Dr. James Livingston, who works at the Asia-American Center for Work with Warlords on both sides of the Vietnamese conflict (California, USA). Apr 18, 2015 Realization on volunteer principles. Contact person - Martha Pivovarenko - (097) 649-70-63
  • Psychological training of lawyers and documentaries: "interviewing skills of victims and witnesses". Conducting trainings for documentaries working in the captives of the Donbas with prisoners and other categories affected by violations of laws. Investigated to the request of the Center for Public Freedoms. Realization on volunteer principles. 07.2016.
  • In cooperation with the Press, Education and Culture Department of the US Embassy in Ukraine, a project "Community of Self-Help" was implemented, in which the rehabilitation of the children of dead heroes in the format of the "RaDity" campus and training on volunteers, heads of public organizations, psychologists, social workers, etc. 16.06.2015 to 25.02.2016.
  • Translated and developed Mobile application "PFA Mobile Ukraine" - application for mobile phones (based on Android). This program is intended for rescuers who provide first psychological help to adults, families and children during organized rescue operations. October 2014-December 2016 Implementation on a volunteer basis by members of the organization. Company developer "Iindeema software" https://indeema.com/contact-us (under the article - Corporate Social Responsibility). Contact person - Martha Pivovarenko - (097) 649-70-63 • The volonter.org platform volonter.org is launched - a service for finding free assistance and implementing their own ideas and initiatives. The project was implemented with the support of the US Embassy Press Education and Culture Department in Ukraine. Implementation period from 15.07.2015 to 15.02.2016.
  • Implementation of the psychosocial component of the IOM project "Support and consolidation of communities affected by the conflict in the Donbas" December 2017-March 2018.

There are current projects in the NGO:

  • "Mental Health Without Prejudice" Project - with the support of the Press, Education and Culture Department of the US Embassy in Ukraine. As an institutional partner, NGO "Development Foundation" joined the organization of the international conference "Mental Health in the 21st Century", with partners from several countries. Also, series of events (National Round Table trainings, seminars) and an educational campaign aimed at prevention of mental health in Ukraine are planned. Partners in the project have already spoken: World Health Organization; International Medical Corps; N-DSA-N Italy; NATO Office in Kyiv.
  • Executors of the supervisory component of the project "Pilot Project of the Social Workers Network - Specialists on Social Adaptation of ATO Participants, Members of Their Families", Rivne District Council and Employment Center of Rivne District, which will last until 2022.

Contacts: http://foundationdv.com,

e-mail: foundationdvcom@gmail.com

Separated subdivisions in the cities of Kyiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Lviv, Rivne, Lutsk, Mykolaiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia and others.

The pages of our organization (NGO "Development Foundation"):



youtube - Channel "Strong with the Spirit" with records of the conducted trainings; Psychological First Aid School;

PFA mobile Ukraine.

Psychosocial support and community cohesion in Donbass

Mental Health without Prejudice Project:



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