Гаряча лінія психологічної підтримки для сімей,члени родин яких зникли безвісти, потрапили в полон, зазнали катувань чи сексуального насильства

In July, the "psychological support hotline +38 067 447 07 05 for families whose family members went missing, were captured, suffered torture or sexual violence" began its work.

If someone in your family is missing, captured, tortured, or abused during the war, you can call the free hotline at +38 067 447 07 05 and get professional psychological help.

Specialists will work daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

You can also register your appeal on the "Tell me (https://tellme.com.ua/)" platform using the "Missing persons" tab.

After registration, everyone who needs help will receive three professional consultations with leading specialists.

The hotline was created as part of a grant project implemented by the NGO "International Confederation of Counteracting Corruption, Organized Crime, and Terrorism" in partnership with the NGO "Community Self-Help" with the assistance of UNDP and financial support from the European Union, within the framework of the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme.

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